The simmer of the wind pt1

*Warning, this piece has some language in it

As I stood there by my wife, the doctor came in. I had been told she had a brain tumor, and I stood there by my wife. I could never accept that she had a less than a year left, but I had to believe it. I was sad that my daughter who recently turned six months would have to go without a mother, but I needed a distraction. My wife had just then woke up. “Hi there honey, whatcha doin there pouting?” My wife said with supposed glee. I feel now that she put on a strong face for me, but I never really asked when she was around. I have to give her kudos to her, she is as stubborn as a mule, or even more so.

“I’m thinking why this ever happened to you Amber.” I said that with visible pain on my face, making it look like I was the one with a tumor. I hate to admit it, but I was as emotionally weak as a person at a funeral. My wife then exclaimed “Quit your bitchin Gray, I don’t want my daughter to end up havin no backbone.” I could never really put my finger on why someone from the heartland swore so much, let alone how she could accept things so easily. It’s like she never really gave a damn, or that she stopped caring on what she should say when she was conceived. She then said, “Where is little Hope anyway?” I told her I left her home with my sister. She didn’t like that answer. She then said, “What the hell Gray, why didn’t you bring her?” “I thought that she could use a nap, besides, it’s was last second reasoning.” She was a tiny bit on the pissed side, at least that’s what I got when she then growled, “Go bring er then, and besides, what made you think that it was a good idea to leave a high school’er with a baby?” Since I didn’t feel it to be wise to argue with her, I just left to go pick up my little sister from my house.

Author: Firemoon

I am a person who loves gaming and writing, and I want to share my love and passions with the world.

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